4-Day Data Collection Blog

Before starting my data collection, I had certain expectation for all three categories that I would be tracking. In two out of the three categories, my prediction was was off.

I thought that I would be contact with more people than I was. Perhaps this was a product of having a pretty uneventful weekend, but I certainly didn’t stray too far from my family and good friends.

As far as beverage consumption goes, I wasn’t surprised by the lack of variety in what I was drinking, but I was surprised by the quantity of it. I have always known that I drink a lot of water, at least more than the recommended daily amount, but I was surprised to see my average water consumption close to 150 oz. per day. Generally, I think I would have more variety, but in this four day period I almost exclusively drank water.

Lastly, keeping track of my articles of clothing was the category I ended up being the closest on. This surprised me in itself because I would have said it was the category that I was the least aware of. But, I figured that once I actually kept track of it, I would realize that I change my clothes more than I would think, so I took that into consideration when making my prediction. I don’t know if this was a lot, or a little, but I averaged about 10 different articles of clothing per day.

I am interested to keep track of different aspects of my life to see if the results would vary from my predictions. Having such a narrow focus on these three things makes it hard for me to imagine how the guy who created this site lives his life at all. For the most part, I tracked my data retrospectively throughout the day (except my oz. of water) but it was still something I was conscious of throughout. Having many more categories seems almost impossible!

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